This is absolutely GREAT NEWS!!!
I've always considered myself to be a contrarian. When nobody else is buying properties, is the ideal moment for you to do so, and here’s why? Do you recall the period between 2009 and 2012? If you purchased a house one month, it was worth less, six months later. I remember people were so afraid of their homes losing value, that they stood on the sidelines waiting to buy a home because what they didn’t realize was that 10 years later that period of 2009 - 2012 was when the market was at its lowest point. No one can ever know when is the peak or lowest part of a housing market.
Let me ask you this . . . does it really matter if you buy a home today and some time down the line that home is worth less? NO NOT AT ALL and here’s why!!
All those people who purchased homes back in the time when the market was at the lowest point in the last 20 years and not stable, today those owners own homes/properties with values that have increased by three or four times over. In fact, during that time the interest rates were 7-8.5 percent and today all those people who bought have their homes paid off or have 15-year mortgages with a 1.75 – 2.25 percent interest rate and payments less than rent. Remember real estate is always a long-term investment. Stop making your real estate and home-buying decisions based on short-term market conditions.
Now that the rates have gone up a pinch, is the time to buy. When other buyers are sitting on the sidelines waiting, it is time for you to stand up and say "I’M READY TO BE A HOMEOWNER." And remember, there are all kinds of programs, grants, and special financing options available for you to get the lowest interest rate possible.
Be a contrarian and stop waiting by the sidelines. Call me today.
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Source: CNBC