I had to share this article with you, if for no other reason than the title. . . BIZARRO WORLD!!! L O L
Basically, the article goes into the fact that today’s housing market is NOT following the science behind “Supply and Demand”.
With interest rates at an all-time high and more homes for sale today than a year ago, you would assume that the market would have fewer buyers which in turn means lower prices. And yet the prices of homes have increased year over year which has created a “BIZARRO HOUSING MARKET”.
The article continues to point out that today’s market will cause for home values to start to come down drastically and they may have a point because we are starting to see properties in certain areas stay on the market longer and/or not sell at all until the price is adjusted downward. BUT . . . as always . . . there are certain areas in Southern California that are still holding strong and where homes are selling as quickly as they come on the market.
If you are thinking of moving, call me and let me share with you your different options.
Click Here to Read the Article
Source: Market Insider